Pursuit of “Zaat/SELF” & associated myths

Long back i watched a Pakistani serial “Shehr-e-zaat. As the name suggests, it’s about the inward journey of an urban woman sculptor (artist), who tries to find meaning behind the gamut of romantic love, luxury/fame, and her own placement aka “Zaat” in the bigger picture.

Despite being “blessed” with all that life could offer, on the face of it; she unravels the futility of it all, in bits & pieces. The peace & contentment she feels entitled to, by virtue of her “accomplishments” eludes her with brash strokes, bruising her soul in the bargain.

In that agonizing journey of seeking “SELF”, she discovers the higher purpose of LIFE.

Loved every bit of this series starring Mahira Khan. Yaar ko humney ja bajaa dekha;Kabhi zaahir, kabhi nihaan dekha” by Abida Parveen remains a soul stirring rendition of seeking the divine within us.

All was well & understandable, until it culminated in the jargon of religion, Islamic way of life for a woman, “Imaan” that goes for a toss if a woman makes a choice, morality in the face of modernity etc etc. It undoubtedly turned out to be a self goal, when the expanse of Spiritualism was shrunk to FIT IN with the sensibilities at large. Seemed out of place with the script & a compulsion at directors end too.

Without judging her outrightly, i feel Zahira Wasim & her “Shehr e Zaat” also fell prey to the same reductionist ideology. Should we ascribe Kashmir centric overtones to it, or should it be a woman centric issue ? Should we dig deeper into the nuances of her decision, or let it be? All these are parallel narratives which may or may not be evaluated. To each his/her own.
Otherwise in the context of her elaborate statement, don’t we all tend to pick the pieces of life & longing, along the meandering “Inward” path.

Organized religions might have the directions & road maps, but our “Atman” “Zaat” or “Self” is a very vast expanse which tends to go beyond religion, if it really is about seeking that “SELF”. It goes beyond judgment of all & sundry, it doesn’t find pretexts & doesn’t indulge in blame game, like she did.

It’s just an all encompassing pursuit & destination where the concept of worldly “Imaan“ gets subsumed in the bigger cosmic purpose. It’s salvation aka Nirvaan aka real “Shehr e Zaat”

My two cents #ZahiraWasim

Otherwise believe me your “Imaan” would be tested in any worldly pursuit or profession you engage yourself in. Being the REAL YOU is a trial by fire, and there are numerous women who undergo those trials of “Self preservation” against all personal odds, and in all professions. Yours truly, being one.
That’s the beauty of life, despite its ugliness. It’s a blessing to go through those throes to arrive at the REAL YOU, provided you let the light enter. Escapism is refuge of WEAK

If there’s intent, one can bloom like the Lotus in all the muck,

True heroism lies therein (at the cost of some self aggrandizement), if i may say. Rest, it’s always about choice. Exercise yours & don’t judge that of others


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